Objectives of Pratham Care Foundation

To help poor, widows, handicapped, orphans, old aged, mentally retired and under privileged section of the trust/community.
To give financial or other assistance in kind by way of distribution of books notebooks, cloths, uniforms, or meals for the poor and indigent and to the persons suffer due to natural calamities.
To grant relief and assistance to the needy victims during natural calamities such as famine, earthquake, flood, fire, pestilence, etc. and to give donations and other assistance to institutions, establishments or persons engaged in such relief work.
To promote and support voluntary donation of Blood, Eyes and other parts of human body for the charitable purpose and arranging above donation camps.
To establish, develop, maintain and grant aid in cash or in kind to hospitals, dispensary, maternity homes, Child and Women welfare centers, promotion of education on AIDS and other health evils and/or such other similar charitable institutions in India for the promotion of good health and to conduct health related programs for the good of the general public.
To Providing maximum care to weak, ill, injured and helpless animals and birds, breeding them timely and fresh fodder and mediations.
Promotion formation of self help groups, promotion of microfinance,entrepreneurial development training centers, education of entrepreneurship,financing and training for small scale industrial entrepreneurs, promotion of small and tiny industries by providing all sorts of support.


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